Burp Suite用户论坛



Bibek |上次更新:2021年12月3日07:39 UTC

我一周前看了看。Burp Suite认证不是提供折扣,但其要约还剩余10天还剩下10天。昨天,我开了Portswigger,看到beplay官网可以赌Burpsuite认证价格仅$ 9,我很高兴。今天,我想在Burpsuite考试中支付9美元。它向我展示了99美元。真是太荒谬了。Burpsuite团队没有符合折扣要约在这一天结束。我对Burpsuite认证团队感到非常生气。混蛋,bit子。您和您的支持团队是有钱的孩子,但我不是。 You have rich dady but I havenot. I want to get examination discount price but Your motherfucker team increases price of burpsuite examination. What a scam from portswigger team. I am poor guy and I have not any money. I also use burpsuite pro for rent. Your team want to theft from public money but they don't understant our economic condition. Most of students collect their money for education and certification rather they eat one time a day or most of students dont eat proper food because economic condition. They want to get their interest field but this type of scammers (portswigger) eat blood of poor people. Scam from portswigger. I want to this message must go with world security researchers and top cybersecurity company, government.

米歇尔,港口代理商|beplay官网可以赌上次更新:2021年12月6日03:26 UTC




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